Code of Conduct

Human Rights
The company DPS Udyog as well as its business partners along the value chain observe internationally recognised human rights and act lawfully. The definition of human rights is based on the declaration of human rights issued by the United Nations in 1948.
Child Labour
The company DPS Udyog does not tolerate child labour. DPS Udyog and all its business partners and suppliers act in compliance with the ILO Convention No. 138 (minimum age of admission to employment, 1973). Children below the age of 15 may not be employed or exploited. If national laws set a higher standard, this higher standard takes precedence.

The company DPS Udyog and all its business partners and suppliers do not tolerate any kind of corruption or other grey areas that contradict lawful order. Allowances of any kind that entail undue benefits and thus could have a positive impact on the business relationship may not be promised, offered, or expected.
Health and safety
As an employer, the company DPS Udyog and all its business partners along the value chain are committed to ensuring the health and safety of their employees in compliance with the relevant national regulations. This not only involves avoiding sources of danger, but also installing systems and regulations that follow a preventive approach and ensure the health and safety of the employees. This is primarily based on the ILO Convention No. 155 (Health & safety and work environment, 1981).

The company DPS Udyog and all its business partners fulfil or even exceed the minimum statutory environmental protection requirements. In addition, we strive to use resources sustainably and to instil an environmental awareness in our workforce.
Sexual Harassment
The company DPS Udyog and all its business partners and suppliers do not tolerate any kind of “Sexual harassment” defined as any Verbal, Non-Verbal, and Physical behaviour of a sexual nature that affects the dignity of women and men, which is considered as unwanted, unacceptable, inappropriate and offensive to the recipient, and that creates an intimidating, hostile, unstable or offensive work environment.